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5 free dark magic spells

Dark magic or black magic is the most ancient type of witchcraft that is believed to have originated in Africa. In those times, bodily fluids used to be part of the rituals because people believed that our body or the body of animals was a powerful aide to the success of spells. Remember all magic that hurts another is “BAD magic”. Here are some spells that use animal parts or bodily fluids [...]

Four free and easy love spells

“Love” is the word that is most searched on Google. Almost everyone on Earth is looking for Love. We cannot exist without love from someone, may it be a parent, siblings, cousins, friends, pets, etc. The most important rule regarding love, money and health is that what we give returns to us. If we want love, we have to learn and practice how to love unconditionally. Another rule is that [...]

5 Candle Magick Spells

Multiple Candle Divination ——————————– Lychnomancy is the art of divination using candles. Candle flames, wax, shadows, smoke as well as ashes can give us an indication of the success of the spell. Expert diviners are able to combine the signals given out by all of these methods to determine the outcome of the spell. Here is a spell [...]

Black Magic and Spells

As Zora Neale Hurston, an expert scholar in magic said “Magic is older than writing. So nobody knows how it started”. At one time or another most cultures have recognized and used magic to help make their wishes come true. Because of tremendous pressure from certain powerful religions, magick or witchcraft as it is called now, was denigrated and defamed by the powerful entities who wished [...]
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